Monday, March 10, 2025


The Department of Meteorological Services (DMS) informs the public that during the period of May to July 2021 largely normal with a tendency to below-normal temperatures are likely to occur over the extreme north of the country, whilst normal to above normal temperatures are expected over the rest of the country.Accordingly:

• Temperatures over the extreme northern parts of the country (Northern Ngamiland and Chobe) are expected to be largely normal with a tendency to below.

• Temperatures over Southern Ngamiland and northern parts of the Central Districts are expected to be normal with a tendency to above. Normal maximum and minimum temperatures are 27.4°C and 9°C respectively.

• Temperatures over the eastern parts of the country (Northeast and southern parts of the Central Districts) are expected to be normal with a tendency to above. Normal maximum and minimum temperatures are 24°C and 7°C respectively.

• Temperatures over the southern and western parts of the country (Kgalagadi, Ghanzi, Southern, Southeast, Kgatleng and Kweneng) are also expected to be normal with a tendency to above. Normal maximum and minimum temperatures are 23.6°C and 5°C respectively.

• Below normal rainfall is expected countrywideThe Department advices that cold spells will be experienced from time to time during this period and users are urged contact the Department for further guidance.

Department of Meteorological Services

P.O. Box 10100,


Tel: 3612200

Corner Maaloso-Metsimotlhaba Road,

Gaborone Village

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