Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Revised ISPAAD To Start in 2022/23

Farmers have been urged to gear up for a new agricultural programme expected to start during the 2022/23 ploughing season.The Kanye Administrative Authority (KAA) chairperson, Mr Simon Ramaphoi told a virtual sub-council session on Monday that the introduction of transitional Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development (ISPAAD), which was done towards the end of 2020/2021 cropping season came at a time when the programme’s guidelines were under review.

Mr Simon said the transition period runs from October to June 2022, which means this is the last extension of ISPAAD. Mr Ramaphoi said during this transitional ISPAAD, subsistence farmers would be assisted with draught power for four hectares instead of the previous five, they would be assisted with seeds enough to cover four hectares, of which two would be hybrid and the other two hectares open pollinated seeds. Subsistence farmers would also be assisted with fertilizers for four hectares at two bags per hectare, as opposed for five hectares at four bags per hectare.

He further said fencing had been suspended, adding that farmers who ploughed and planted at meraka/cattle-posts would only be assisted with open pollinated seeds enough for four hectares. However, there are no changes for emerging and commercial farmers, who are subsidised at 35 per cent and 30 per cent respectively for seeds, fertilizers and herbicides. Mr Ramaphoi said thus far 10 extension areas were addressed through kgotla meetings for contractors, five kgotla meetings were also addressed to sensitise contractors and farmers on the changes for the new ploughing season. He noted that coupons were ready for collection at all extensions.

Meanwhile Simon said for the 2021/22 season, a total of 4 417 farmers that comprise 2 305 males and 2 112 females had registered for 118.064 tonnes of seeds, 3 897 for 1 397.02 tonnes of fertilizers, while two emerging farmers had registered for 1 388 litres of herbicides.Mr Ramaphoi said a total of 13 748.49 hectares were ploughed and planted during the 2020/21 cropping season by 4 069 farmers that comprise 2 195 males and 1 874 females.

Ramaphoi said a total amount of close to P30.2m was spent on ISPAAD activities as follows: P15.3m was spent on draught power paying 4 058 farmers that comprised 2 189 males and 1 869 females who ploughed and planted 13 577.87 hectares; about P12.7m was spent on paying input suppliers, P1. 01m on salaries for temporary ISPAAD employees and the remaining P1.1m was spent on other ISPAAD expenses.He said from the targeted 4 000 tonnes of cereal crops and 200 tonnes of legumes, 1 410.20 tonnes and 310.50 tonnes of cereals and legumes were collected in the sub-district for 2020/21 ploughing season.

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