Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Tick Infestation On Goats

Article: Kalahari Reds Cover Photo: Dogtime

Ticks can cause severe damage to goats, particularly around the udder, ears and between the hooves. The wounds caused will often get infected with bacteria, and are prone to be attacked by flies. Some ticks cause more damage than others, such as the bont tick which infect animals with heartwater.

A plunge dip is a very effective way often used by breeders to prevent & control tick infestations in their herd. Plunge dips are usually most practical for smallstock.

Greg Talbot of Tal-Tec says, “Parasite control is more efficient, if the animals entire body is covered with dip; as opposed to when the animals head and ears are missed as they can keep their heads above the water.” — Consider this point when dipping your goats!

See below for a video of an effective Plunge Dip design used on the farm Carpe Diem Stud in Vivo, South Africa.

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