Friday, May 17, 2024

Plant Breeding; A Sustainable Way To Producing Crops

Article by: Kedidimetse vanderWesthuizen

The agricultural world has been found to be the next biggest thing in the future and many transformations have started. Amid these historic transformations of agriculture is plant breeding, which entails producing crops in a more sustainable way.

The breeding of new genetics and new varieties is of great importance in relation to the goal of reducing the climate impact from the cultivated agricultural area. Farmers Review‘s Senior Reporter, Kedi vanderWesthuizen caught up with SEJET lab Technician, Winnie Furchtbauer, who explained that SEJET is a plant breeding company that plays an important role in the sustainable transformation of agriculture.

SEJET lab Technician, Winnie Furchtbauer

Furchtbauer further explained that SEJET Plant Breeding exists to breed new and improved varieties of plants well adapted to actual and future growing conditions. “To achieve this, the company routinely use the newest DNA technologies and we have our own breeding program with a fully equipped lab to ensure maximum results,” she added.

She noted that as the climate changes, and we face more extreme weather conditions, greater and newer demands are placed on the properties of the available seeds. Therefore, new varieties need to be incorporated that will better resist diseases and have the ability to withstand droughts. “To develop best varieties for the future, new technologies must be brought into play. These will help achieve the goal of sustainable change and at the same time contribute to feeding the growing world population,” she added.

“The concept of plant breeding is a very fascinating and interesting topic that many people should embrace” notes Furchtbauer. She states that plant breeding starts with a seed. “Plant breeders are always advancing the science and using genetic innovations to efficiently develop better crops especially in the challenging environmental conditions we are facing,” she said.

It goes without saying that most agricultural practices are geared towards climate smart technologies due to the increasing issues of climate change. It is therefore, a commendable effort to see technologies developed that enable production of new varieties of crops that are resistance to diseases and are able to withstand harsh weather conditions.

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